ROVV Publications
Victimization among Indigenous Peoples
Kathleen A. Fox, Cassie L. Harvey*, Leonard Mukosi, Kayleigh A. Stanek*, and Christopher Sharp, (2024). The Impact of COVID-19 on Missing and Murdered (Native American) Indigenous Peoples: A Statewide Partnership Among Arizona State University, the State of Arizona, and Indigenous Communities. Published by the Arizona State University's Research on Violent Victimization lab.
Cassie L. Harvey*, Kathleen A. Fox, Leonard Mukosi, Kayleigh A. Stanek*, and Christopher Sharp, (2024). The Impact of COVID-19 on Missing and Murdered (Native American) Indigenous Peoples Infographic. Research in Brief. Published by the Arizona State University's Research on Violent Victimization lab.
Cassie L. Harvey*, Fox, Kathleen A., Kayleigh A. Stanek*, Katonya Begay*, Christopher Sharp, Valaura Imus-Nahsonhoya†, Leonard Mukosi, and Dalavai Surveyor.* (2023). Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples: Perspectives of Indigenous students and the faculty and staff who serve them. Research in Brief. Published by Arizona State University’s Research on Violent Victimization Lab. Available Electronically:
Kathleen A. Fox, Kayleigh A. Stanek*, Cassie L. Harvey*, Katonya Begay*, Christopher Sharp, Valaura Imus-Nahsonhoya, Leonard Mukosi, and Dalavai Surveyor*. (2023). Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples: Perspectives of Indigenous students and the faculty and staff who serve them. Published by the Arizona State University's Research on Violent Victimization lab.
Harvey, Cassie L., Kayleigh A. Stanek, Christopher Sharp, Valaura Imus-Nahsonhoya, and Kathleen A. Fox. (2022). Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls: The Crisis in Arizona. Research in Brief. Published by Arizona State University’s Research on Violent Victimization Lab.
Fox, Kathleen A., Christopher Sharp, Turquoise Devereaux, Kayleigh Stanek, Sara Julian, Michelle Hovel, Cheston Dalangyawma, Valaura Imus-Nahsonhoya, Traci Morris, Jacob Moore, Hallie Bongar White, Dominique Roe-Sepowitz, Mak Mars, Hilary Edwards, and Morgan Eaton (2020). Reducing missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls: Arizona’s statewide study in partnership with the HB2570 legislative study committee
Fox, Kathleen A. (2020). The murder and missing of Indigenous women and girls: New policies on an enduring crisis. Criminal Law Bulletin (peer-reviewed), 56, 1055-1082.
Fox, Kathleen A., Fisher, Bonnie S., & Decker, Scott H. (2018). Identifying the needs of American Indian women who sought shelter: A practitioner-researcher partnership. Journal of Family Violence, 33, 251-256.
Fox, Kathleen A., Decker, Scott H., Fisher, Bonnie S., & Smith,* Rachael. (2017). Reducing violence against American Indian women: Strategic plan for Page Regional Domestic Violence Services, FY 2016–2017. Department of Justice. Office for Victims of Crime.
Victimization among Migrant Women and Girls
Johnson-Agbakwu, Crista, Fox, Kathleen A., Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi, & Michlig, Georgia J. (2022). Influence of female genital mutilation/cutting on health morbidity, health service utilization and satisfaction with care among Somali women and teenage girls in the United States. Maternal and Child Health Journal.
Fox, Kathleen A. & Johnson-Agbakwu, Crista. (2020). Crime victimization, health, and female genital mutilation/cutting among Somali women and teenage girls. American Journal of Public Health, 110(1), 112-118.
Johnson-Agbakwu, Crista & Fox, Kathleen A. (2020). Exposure to violence means less access to care for Somali women and girls in Arizona. Arizona State University, Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions.
Victimization among Incarcerated Populations
Lane, Jodi & Fox, Kathleen A. (2020, forthcoming). Race and ethnic differences in fear of property, personal, and gang victimization among people involved in crime: Testing the effects of perceived neighborhood characteristics. Victims & Offenders.
Lane, Jodi, Armstrong, Gaylene S. & Fox, Kathleen A. (2019). Fear of victimization among incarcerated youths: Examining the effects of institutional “neighborhood” characteristics and gang membership. Youth & Society, 51, 417-439.
Fox, Kathleen A. (2017). Gangs, gender, and violent victimization. Victims & Offenders, 12, 43-70.
Ward, Jeffrey T., Fox, Kathleen A., Tillyer, Marie S., & Lane, Jodi. (2015). Gender, low self-control and violent victimization. Deviant Behavior, 36, 113-129.
Fox, Kathleen A. (December, 2013). New developments and implications for understanding the victimization of gang members. Violence and Victims, 28, 1015-1040.
Fox, Kathleen A., Lane, Jodi, & Akers, Ronald L. (2013). Understanding gang membership and crime victimization among jail inmates: A test of self-control theory. Crime & Delinquency, 59, 764-787.
Lane, Jodi. & Fox, Kathleen A. (2013). Fear of property, violent, and gang crime: Examining the shadow of sexual assault thesis among male and female offenders. Criminal Justice & Behavior 40, 472-496 (lead article).
Rufino,* Katrina, Fox, Kathleen A., Cramer, R. J., & Kercher, Glen. (2013). The gang-victimization link: Considering the effect of ethnicity and protective behaviors among prison inmates. Deviant Behavior, 34, 25-37.
Barnes, J. C., Boutwell, Brian B., & Fox, Kathleen A. (2012). The effect of gang membership on victimization: A behavioral genetic explanation. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 10, 227-244.
Rufino,* Katrina, Fox, Kathleen A., & Kercher, Glen. (2012). Gang membership and crime victimization among prison inmates. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 37, 321-337.
Lane, Jodi, & Fox, Kathleen A. (2012). Fear of crime among gang and non-gang offenders: Comparing the impacts of perpetration, victimization, and neighborhood factors. Justice Quarterly, 29, 491-523.
Fox, Kathleen A., Rufino,* Katrina, & Kercher, Glen. (2012). Crime victimization among gang and non-gang prison inmates: Examining perceptions of social disorganization. Victims & Offenders, 7, 208-225.
Fox, Kathleen A., Zambrana,* Kathy, & Lane, Jodi. (2011). Getting in (and staying in) when everyone else wants to get out: Ten lessons learned from conducting research with inmates. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 22, 304-327.
Katz, Chuck M., Webb, Vince J., Fox, Kathleen A., & Shaffer, Jennifer N. (2011). Understanding the relationship between violent victimization and gang membership. Journal of Criminal Justice, 39, 48-59.
Fox, Kathleen A., Lane, Jodi, & Akers, Ron L. (2010). Do perceptions of neighborhood disorganization predict crime or victimization? An examination of gang versus non-gang member jail inmates. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, 720-729.
Victimization among College Students
Fox, Kathleen A., Nobles, Matt R., & Fisher, Bonnie. (2016). A multi-theoretical framework to assess gendered stalking victimization: The utility of self-control, social learning, and control balance theories. Justice Quarterly, 33, 319-347.
Nobles, Matt R., Fox, Kathleen A., Khey, David, & Lizotte, Alan. (2013). Community and campus crime: A geospatial examination of the Clery Act. Crime & Delinquency, 59, 1131-1156.
Nobles, Matt R., & Fox, Kathleen A. (2013). Assessing stalking behaviors in a control balance theory framework. Criminal Justice & Behavior, 40, 737-762.
Cook, C., & Fox, Kathleen A. (2012). Testing the relative importance of contemporaneous offenses: The impacts of fear of sexual assault versus fear of physical harm among men and women. Journal of Criminal Justice, 40, 142-151.
Cook, Carrie, & Fox, Kathleen A. (2011). Fear of property crime: Examining the effects of victimization, vicarious victimization, and perceived risk. Violence and Victims, 26, 684-700.
Fox, Kathleen A., & Cook, Carrie. (2011). Is knowledge power? The effects of a victimology course on victim blaming. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26, 3407-3427.
Fox, Kathleen A., Nobles, Matt R., & Akers, Ron L. (2011). Is stalking a learned phenomenon? An empirical test of social learning theory. Journal of Criminal Justice, 39, 39-47.
Patton,* Christina, Nobles, Matt R., & Fox, Kathleen A. (2010). Look who’s stalking: Stalking perpetration and attachment theory. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, 282-290.
Nobles, Matt R., Fox, Kathleen A., Piquero, Nicky L., & Piquero, Alex R. (2009). Career dimensions of stalking victimization and perpetration. Justice Quarterly, 26, 476-503.
Fox, Kathleen A., Gover, Angela R., & Kaukinen, Catherine. (2009). The effects of low self-control and childhood maltreatment on stalking victimization among men and women. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 34, 181-197.
Fox, Kathleen A., Nobles, Matt R., & Piquero, Alex R. (2009). Gender, crime victimization, and fear of crime. Security Journal, 22, 24-39.
Gover, Angela R., Kaukinen, Catherine, & Fox, Kathleen A. (2008). The relationship between violence in the family of origin and dating violence among college students. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23, 1667-1693.
Victimization in General
Fox, Kathleen A., & Shjarback,* John. (2016). What works to reduce victimization? A systematic evaluation. Violence & Victims, 31, 285-319.
Reyns, Brad W., Henson, Billy, Fisher, Bonnie S., Fox, Kathleen A., & Nobles, Matt R. (2016). A gendered lifestyle-routine activity approach to explaining stalking victimization in Canada. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 31, 1719-1743.
Fox, Kathleen A., & Bouffard, Leana A. (2015). Violent victimization vulnerability: Testing a conceptual model of personality, social, and community factors. Deviant Behavior, 36, 910-934.
Nobles, Matt R., Reyns, Brad, Fox, Kathleen A., & Fisher, Bonnie S. (2014). Protection against pursuit: A conceptual and empirical comparison of cyberstalking and stalking victimization among a national sample. Justice Quarterly, 31, 986-1014.
Jackson, Robin*, Bouffard, Leana A., & Fox, Kathleen A. (2014). Putting policy into practice: Examining school districts’ implementation of teen dating violence legislation. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 25, 503-524.
Fox, Kathleen A., & Allen, Terry. (2014). Examining the instrumental-expressive continuum of homicides: Incorporating the effects of gender, victim-offender relationships, and weapon choice. Homicide Studies, 18, 298-317.
Pratt, Travis, Turanovic, Jill*, Fox, Kathleen A., & Wright, Kevin. (2014). Self-control and victimization: A meta-analysis. Criminology, 52, 87-116.
Allen, Terry, & Fox, Kathleen A. (2013). Multivariate dimensions of age, gender, and weapon use in spousal homicides. Victims & Offenders, 8, 329-346.
Fox, Kathleen A., Nobles, Matt R., & Fisher, Bonnie S. (2011). Method to the madness: An examination of stalking measurements. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 16, 74-84.