Developmental Etiology of Externalizing Problems
ABC 15: Dr. Dustin Pardini interviewed about the Arizona Families: Coping with COVID study efforts
Title: ASU professor studying impact of coronavirus on students and families
KTAR News: Dr. Dustin Pardini interviewed on teens' e-cigarrette used, as reported in the Arizona Youth Survey
Title: Hooked on Vaping: Almost half of Arizona kids have vaped by 12th grade
KTAR News: Dr. Dustin Pardini interviewed among a group of experts about his thoughts on the ban of some flavored electronic cigarettes
Title: Valley experts weigh in on flavored vaping ban
Watts College News: Dr. Dustin Pardini and Dr. Madeline Meier interviewed on the findings from the Arizona Youth Survey 2018
Title: ASU study finds that teens are using a highly potent form of marijuana
Reuters Health News: Dr. Beardslee's recent publication on parenting and teen gun carrying discussed.
Title: Hands-off parenting tied to higher risk of teen gun use
ASU NOW: ASU research finds poor engagement by parents can lead to gun carrying in boys
Title: Long-term study among first to track parenting, delinquent behavior, and guns
KJZZ Interview: Dr. Pardini discusses the 2018 Arizona Youth Survey and important findings on Arizona youth's use of E-cigarettes and marijuana concentrates.
ASU NOW: ASU-led statewide survey finds big jump in e-cigarette use among adolescents
Title: Marijuana concentrate use surveyed for first time and finds 23.5 percent rate
Radio Interview: Dr. Pardini discusses the effects of chronic marijuana use on the teenage brain. Dr. Pardini discusses the results of his publication “Chronic Adolescent Marijuana Use as a Risk Factor for Physical and Mental Health Problems in Young Adult Men.”
CannabisRadio.com interview with Dr. Earleywine: Dr. Pardini discusses adolescent marijuana use and academic performance.
The Atlantic magazine interview: Dr. Pardini discusses insensitivity to punishment in psychopathy
SiriusXM110/Doctor Radio's Child Psych & Parenting Show: About Our Kids –
which broadcasts on Fridays in conjunction with the NYU Child Study Center in NYC
Summary: Show hosts, Jess Shatkin, MD and Alexandra Barzvi, PhD, discuss at risk youth, antisocial behavior & conduct disorder in children, adolescents and young adults, with Dr. Pardini
Radio show’s webpage: http://www.siriusxm.com/doctorradio
ASU NOW: ASU professor administering AZ Youth Survey to thousands statewide, presented early results
Title: Early results from youth survey find worrying trends on guns and drugs