Developmental Etiology of Externalizing Problems (DEEP) Lab
About the Lab
Welcome to the Developmental Etiology of Externalizing Problems (DEEP) Lab!
Research in the DEEP Lab focuses on the precursors and outcomes associated with the development of antisocial (e.g., violence, theft) and substance using behaviors from childhood to adulthood, as well as evaluating the impact that early psychosocial interventions can have on these problems. Much of this work has focused on a particularly violent and recalcitrant subgroup of antisocial youth and adults who exhibit callous-unemotional traits (e.g. lack of guilt, remorse, empathy), which are consistent with the affective features of psychopathy. The lab uses secondary data analyses on longitudinal studies and neuroimaging (e.g., fMRI) to accomplish study goals.
For prospective students
The DEEP Lab is a positive community of scholars who are interested in understanding development and behavior from multiple perspectives. It includes members of varying backgrounds and abilities, from undergraduate and graduate students to post-doctoral research scholars and staff. We work as a team and value members who are equal parts exceptional scholar and compassionate human being. Please click student opportunities to learn more.