PhD Graduates

Graduate Year Dissertation Advisor Initial Placement
Seth Watts

Dissertation: Fostering Collaborative Solutions in the Opioid Overdose Crisis: Law Enforcement as a Potential Partner in Reducing Fatalities

Michael White Texas State University
Brice Terpstra

Exploring the Life-Course Experiences of Justice-Involved Military Veterans: Deviance, Mental Health Outcomes, and Daily Experiences

Michael White and Gary Sweeten Assistant Professor at Southern Illinois University
Daniela Oramas Mora

Case Processing and Sentencing Outcomes in Drug Offenses in Florida: Examining the Effect of Race, Ethnicity, Immigration Status, Progressive Prosecution, and Pretrial Detention

Cassia Spohn and Ojmarrh Mitchell Assistant Professor at George Mason University
Rachel Bowman

Disruption in the court community: Progressive lead prosecutors and their role in reforming the criminal legal system.

Cassia Spohn and Jon Gould Assistant Professor at Indiana University (Fall 2025)
Victor Mora

Searching for Mike Marshall: Using Peer Nomination to Identify Experts in De-Escalation 

Michael D. White Associate Research Analyst, SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments)
Jessica Rosenthal

Exploring Legal Socialization in a New Rule System: How the Legal Socialization Framework, Coercive Models, and Consensual Models, Apply to Motocross and Supercross

Abigail Henson Pending
James Purdon

A Mixed Methods Examination of the Impact of Clark v. Arizona

Henry Fradella Assistant Professor at Texas A& M-Commerce
Skyler Morgan

Queering Life-Course Criminology: Examining Queer Turning Points Among Formerly Incarcerated LGBTQ+ Adults

Kate Fox Assistant Professor at California State University Long Beach
Katharine Brown

"Homelessness is not a police issue, until it is" A Mixed Methods Study on the Role and Decision-Making Processes of the Police and Outreach Workers in Responding to Homelessness

Cody Telep Assistant Professor at University of Mississippi's Department of Criminal Justice and Legal Studies
Kayleigh A. Stanek

Indigenous College Students' Violent Victimization, Help-Seeking, Service Utilization, and Needs: A Mixed-Methods Approach

Kate Fox Assistant Professor at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Kayla Freemon

Understanding the Relative Impact of Police-led Programs as Mechanisms of Accountability on Patrol Officer Misconduct

Charles Katz Assistant Professor at DePaul University
Michaela Flippin

911 Call-takers, the Police, and the Spill-over Effects of Procedural Injustice

Michael Reisig East Carolina University Assistant Professor
Stephanie Morse

Doing Well While Doing Time: Incarceration and the Meaning of Positive Adjustment to Harmful Spaces

Kevin Wright Saint Anselm college New Hampshire Assistant Professor
Suzanne Coble

Intersections of Racism and Sexism in Rape Myth Research: Exploring how Race Conditions the Effects of Rape Myths on Rape Perceptions and Criminal Justice Responses

Cassia Spohn University of Arkansas Little Rock Assistant Professor
Raven Simonds

Anticipated Social Support Networks of Incarcerated Men Preparing for Reentry: Resource Diversity, Network Density, and Individual-Level Correlates

Jacob Young New York City Criminal Justice Agency Research Analyst
Carlena Orosco

The Calm During the Storm: Identifying the Principles and Techniques  of De-Escalation among Police Dispatchers

Michael D. White California State University Los Angeles Assistant Professor
Natasha Khade

The Disengagement from Gangs in Prison and its Effects for Reentry.

Scott Decker University of Cincinnati - Corrections Institute
Kathleen Padilla

An Examination of Stress, Mental Health Care Services, and Barriers to Accessing Mental Health Care Services among Police Officers

Cassia Spohn Texas State University Assistant Professor
Qingting Hu

Examining Plea Bargaining and Charge Reduction in Three U.S. Federal District Courts

Cassia Spohn Visiting Assistant Professor Whitman College
Faith Gifford

Legal Socialization and the Reciprocity Assumption: An Empirical Examination

Michael Reisig and Dustin Pardini Research Associate for the Center for Policing Excellence within the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training
Hyunjung Cheon

Examining Item-, Individual-, and Contextual-levels of Ethnic Effect on Willingness to Call the Police

Xia Wang University of Texas at El Paso, Assistant Professor
Karissa Pelletier

An Examination into the Covariates Surrounding Children and Teen Firearm Homicide Victimization

Jesenia Pizarro University of Michigan- School of Public Health- Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens (FACTS) Consortium, Post-Doc
Jessica Raak

Deliberate Self-Harm in the Prison Setting

Henry Fradella Arizona Department of Corrections
A Johannes Bottema

The value of patrol-driven intelligence-led policing: Evaluating the perceptions of, communication within, and impacts of the Phoenix Police Department’s Intelligence Officer Program

Cody Telep The University of Southern Mississippi-School of Criminal Justice- Forensic Science, and Security, Asst. Professor
Logan Somers

Confidence in Their Craft: Officer Experience and its Impact on Self-Efficacy Beliefs

William Terrill George Southern University- Dept. of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Asst. Professor

Jessica Huff

Examining Variation in Police Discretion: The Impact of Context and Body-Worn Cameras on Officer Behavior

Charles Katz Arizona State University, Center for Violence Prevention & Community Safety, Senior Researcher
Arynn Infante

The Politics of Minority Group Control: Assessing the Empirical Validity of the Minority Threat Perspective

Dustin Pardini and Xia Wang Portland State University, Coll. of Public & Urban Affairs: Crim & Criminal Just., Asst. Professor
David Tyler

Fairness Within: Sources and Consequences of Procedural Fairness in Police Agencies

Edward Maguire University of Arkansas Little Rock, School of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Asst. Professor

Natasha Pusch

Conceptualizing offending, victimization, and gender: Three studies on juveniles

Kristy Holtfreter Texas Tech University, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work, Asst. Professor
Analisa Gagnon

Citizen Satisfaction and Officer Understanding of Citizen Expectations: A Quantitative and Observational Analysis

Kate Fox University of South Dakota, College of Arts and Sciences, Visiting Asst. Professor
Marcus Galeste

Not all support is created equal: Examining the effects of positive and negative emotional family support on recidivism among formerly incarcerated individuals

John Hepburn State of California, Senior Researcher
Jessica Herbert

"But I am here to help" - How School Climate Factors and Interactions Define School Resource Officer Roles

Gary Sweeten IDEA Analytics, Founder
Kara Hannula

The Development of Impulsivity and Sensation Seeking: Sources of Between- and Within-Individual Differences Over Time and Across Sex

Gary Sweeten University of Washington, Department of Sociology, Lecturer
Erica Redner-Vera

Examining the Treatment of American Indian Defendants in United States Federal Courts

Xia Wang University of Montana, Dept. of Sociology, Asst. Professor
Kyle Ernest

Is Restorative Justice Effective in the U.S.? Evaluating program methods and findings using meta-analysis

Kate Fox Independent Evaluative Research Consultant
Travis Meyers

Managing Violent Misconduct in a Maximum Security Prison: Processes and Outcomes in a Restrictive Status Housing Program

Kevin Wright Temple University, College of Liberal Arts - Criminal Justice Dept., Asst. Professor
Laura Beckman

Assessing Disparity in the Federal Court Processing of Immigration Cases

Xia Wang Shippensburg University, Criminal Justice Department, Asst. Professor
Katherine Kempany

Sanctioning and Punishment in Prisons: An Examination of the Institutional Disciplinary Response to Formal Inmate Misconduct

John Hepburn Multnomah County, Dept. of Community Justice, , Senior Data Analyst
D'Andre Walker

Advancing General Strain Theory:  Three Empirical Studies

Michael Reisig University of Iowa, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Dept. of Sociology, Visiting Asst. Professor
Katelyn Golladay

Understanding Victim-Offender Overlap Taxonomies: A Longitudinal Study

Kristy Holtfreter University of Wyoming, College of Arts & Sciences - Criminal Justice Program, Asst. Professor
Gabriel Cesar

The CPS Paradox: Life Course Criminology, Juvenile Justice, and Growing Up in Child Protective Services

Scott Decker Florida Atlantic University, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor
Chantal Fahmy

Physical Health, Social Support, and Reentry: A Longitudinal Examination of Formerly Incarcerated Individuals

Scott Decker The University of Texas at San Antonio, Criminal Justice Dept., Asst. Professor
Megan Parry

Watching the Watchmen: An examination of the individual level effects of viewing video recordings of police-citizen encounters

Danielle Wallace University of Rhode Island, Criminology and Criminal Justice Program, Asst. Professor
Natalie Todak

De-Escalation in Police-Citizen Encounters: A Mixed Methods Study of a Misunderstood Policing Strategy

Michael White University of Alabama - Birmingham, Dept. of Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor
Richard Moule

Criminal Capital and the Transition to Adulthood

Scott Decker University of South Florida , Dept. of Criminology, Asst. Professor
Eryn O'Neal

Often I Feel We Victimize the Victim More Than the Suspect Does: Examining Officer Attitudes Toward Sexual Assault Complainants--a Social Ecological Framing Theory Approach  

Cassia Spohn Sam Houston State University, Dept. of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Asst. Professor
John Shjarback

Cops, Culture, and Context: The Integration of Structural and Cultural Elements for Explanations of Police Use of Force 

Michael White The University of Texas at El Paso, Dept. of Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor
Kimberly Kaiser

Procedural Justice and Legal Socialization Among Serious Adolescent Offenders: A Longitudinal Examination

Michael Reisig The University of Mississippi, Dept. of Legal Studies, Asst. Professor
Brooks Louton

Growing the Green Goddess: Commercial marijuana growers on the edge of legality

Scott Decker Strategic Planning Analysis & Research Center (SPARC), Tempe Police Dept., SPARC Supv.
Lisa Dario

Crime at Convenience Stores: Assessing an In-Depth Problem-Oriented Policing Initiative

Michael White Florida Atlantic University, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor
Clair White

Youth Receiving Treatment Service in the Juvenile Justice System: An Examination of Funding Sources and Recidivism

Michael Shafer University of Wyoming, College of Arts & Sciences - Criminal Justice Program, Asst. Professor
Rodger Benefiel

Positive Administrative Control: A Construct for Assessing Managerial Influences on Rates of Misconduct in Prison

Cassia Spohn Bloomsburg University, Dept. of Sociology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor
Jillian Turanovic

The Age-Graded Consequences of Victimization

Michael Reisig Florida State University, College of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor
Andrea Borrego

Exploring the Nature and Prevalence of Arrest-Related Deaths in the United States: A Content Analysis of Fatal Police-Citizen Encounters, 2005-2006

Michael White Metropolitan State University of Denver, Dept. of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Asst. Professor
Weston Morrow

Examining the Potential for Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Use of Force During NYPD Stop and Frisk Activities

Michael White University of Nevada - Reno, Dept. of Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor
Janne Gaub

Bad Lady Cops: Explaining Sex Differences in Police Officer Misconduct

Kristy Holtfreter East Carolina University, Dept. of Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor
Byung Bae Kim

Gender Disparity and Ecological Contexts of Court Community in Federal District Courts

Cassia Spohn Ministry of Justice, South Korea, Bureau of Crime Prevention Policy, Policy Analyst
Mario Cano

Prosecutorial Discretion across Federal Sentencing Reforms: Immediate and Enduring Effects of Unwarranted Disparity

Cassia Spohn Kansas State University, Dept. of Sociology, Asst. Professor
Samuel Vickovic

Correctional Officer Job Stress: The Influence of Perceived Occupational Prestige

Marie Griffin California State Univ. Long Beach, Sch. of Crim., Criminal Justice & Emer. Mgmt., Asst. Professor
Natalie Ortiz

The Gendering of Criminal Stigma: An Experiment Testing the Effects of Race/Ethnicity and Incarceration on Women's Entry-Level Job Prospects

Scott Decker National Assoc. of Counties, Data-Driven Justice (DDJ), Washington, DC, Program Manager
Melinda Tasca

It's Not All Cupcakes and Lollipops: An Investigation of the Predictors and Effects of Prison Visitation for Children during Maternal and Paternal Incarceration

Nancy Rodriguez Sam Houston State University, School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor
Andrew Fox

Examining Gang Social Network Structure And Criminal Behavior

Charles Katz Fresno State University, Dept. of Criminology, Asst. Professor
Matthew Larson

Romantic Dissolution and Offending During Emerging Adulthood

Gary Sweeten Wayne State University, College of Liberal Arts & Science, Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor
Melanie Taylor

A Case Study of the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act: Reforming the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections

Scott Decker University of Nevada, Reno, Dept of Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor
Philip Mulvey

On the Brink: Experiences of Women with Mental Illness on Probation

Scott Decker Illinois State University, Dept. of Criminal Justice Sciences, Asst. Professor
Mercedes Valadez "We have got enough criminals in the United States without importing any": An Examination of the Influence of Citizenship Status, Legal Status, and National Origin among Latino Subgroups in Federal Sentencing Outcomes Cassia Spohn Sacramento State University, Div. of Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor
Scott Wolfe

Crime in Late Life

Michael Reisig Michigan State University, School of Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor
David Pyrooz

The Non-Criminal Consequences of Gang Membership: Impacts on Education and Employment in the Life-Course

Scott Decker Sam Houston State University, Dept. of Criminal Justice & Criminology, Asst. Professor
Jonathon Cooper Michael White Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Dept of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor