PhD Graduates
Graduate | Year | Dissertation | Advisor | Initial Placement |
Seth Watts | Dissertation: Fostering Collaborative Solutions in the Opioid Overdose Crisis: Law Enforcement as a Potential Partner in Reducing Fatalities |
Michael White | Texas State University | |
Brice Terpstra | Exploring the Life-Course Experiences of Justice-Involved Military Veterans: Deviance, Mental Health Outcomes, and Daily Experiences |
Michael White and Gary Sweeten | Assistant Professor at Southern Illinois University | |
Daniela Oramas Mora | Case Processing and Sentencing Outcomes in Drug Offenses in Florida: Examining the Effect of Race, Ethnicity, Immigration Status, Progressive Prosecution, and Pretrial Detention |
Cassia Spohn and Ojmarrh Mitchell | Assistant Professor at George Mason University | |
Rachel Bowman | Disruption in the court community: Progressive lead prosecutors and their role in reforming the criminal legal system. |
Cassia Spohn and Jon Gould | Assistant Professor at Indiana University (Fall 2025) | |
Victor Mora | Searching for Mike Marshall: Using Peer Nomination to Identify Experts in De-Escalation |
Michael D. White | Associate Research Analyst, SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments) | |
Jessica Rosenthal | Exploring Legal Socialization in a New Rule System: How the Legal Socialization Framework, Coercive Models, and Consensual Models, Apply to Motocross and Supercross |
Abigail Henson | Pending | |
James Purdon | A Mixed Methods Examination of the Impact of Clark v. Arizona |
Henry Fradella | Assistant Professor at Texas A& M-Commerce | |
Skyler Morgan | Queering Life-Course Criminology: Examining Queer Turning Points Among Formerly Incarcerated LGBTQ+ Adults |
Kate Fox | Assistant Professor at California State University Long Beach | |
Katharine Brown | "Homelessness is not a police issue, until it is" A Mixed Methods Study on the Role and Decision-Making Processes of the Police and Outreach Workers in Responding to Homelessness |
Cody Telep | Assistant Professor at University of Mississippi's Department of Criminal Justice and Legal Studies | |
Kayleigh A. Stanek | Indigenous College Students' Violent Victimization, Help-Seeking, Service Utilization, and Needs: A Mixed-Methods Approach |
Kate Fox | Assistant Professor at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette | |
Kayla Freemon | Understanding the Relative Impact of Police-led Programs as Mechanisms of Accountability on Patrol Officer Misconduct |
Charles Katz | Assistant Professor at DePaul University | |
Stephanie Morse | Doing Well While Doing Time: Incarceration and the Meaning of Positive Adjustment to Harmful Spaces |
Kevin Wright | Saint Anselm college New Hampshire Assistant Professor | |
Michaela Flippin | 911 Call-takers, the Police, and the Spill-over Effects of Procedural Injustice |
Michael Reisig | East Carolina University Assistant Professor | |
Carlena Orosco | The Calm During the Storm: Identifying the Principles and Techniques of De-Escalation among Police Dispatchers |
Michael D. White | California State University Los Angeles Assistant Professor | |
Suzanne Coble | Intersections of Racism and Sexism in Rape Myth Research: Exploring how Race Conditions the Effects of Rape Myths on Rape Perceptions and Criminal Justice Responses |
Cassia Spohn | University of Arkansas Little Rock Assistant Professor | |
Raven Simonds | Anticipated Social Support Networks of Incarcerated Men Preparing for Reentry: Resource Diversity, Network Density, and Individual-Level Correlates |
Jacob Young | New York City Criminal Justice Agency Research Analyst | |
Faith Gifford | Legal Socialization and the Reciprocity Assumption: An Empirical Examination |
Michael Reisig and Dustin Pardini | Research Associate for the Center for Policing Excellence within the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training | |
Hyunjung Cheon | Examining Item-, Individual-, and Contextual-levels of Ethnic Effect on Willingness to Call the Police |
Xia Wang | University of Texas at El Paso, Assistant Professor | |
Natasha Khade | The Disengagement from Gangs in Prison and its Effects for Reentry. |
Scott Decker | University of Cincinnati - Corrections Institute | |
Kathleen Padilla | An Examination of Stress, Mental Health Care Services, and Barriers to Accessing Mental Health Care Services among Police Officers |
Cassia Spohn | Texas State University Assistant Professor | |
Qingting Hu | Examining Plea Bargaining and Charge Reduction in Three U.S. Federal District Courts |
Cassia Spohn | Visiting Assistant Professor Whitman College | |
Jessica Raak | Deliberate Self-Harm in the Prison Setting |
Henry Fradella | Arizona Department of Corrections |
A Johannes Bottema | The value of patrol-driven intelligence-led policing: Evaluating the perceptions of, communication within, and impacts of the Phoenix Police Department’s Intelligence Officer Program |
Cody Telep | The University of Southern Mississippi-School of Criminal Justice- Forensic Science, and Security, Asst. Professor | |
Logan Somers | Confidence in Their Craft: Officer Experience and its Impact on Self-Efficacy Beliefs |
William Terrill | George Southern University- Dept. of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Asst. Professor |
Karissa Pelletier | An Examination into the Covariates Surrounding Children and Teen Firearm Homicide Victimization |
Jesenia Pizarro | University of Michigan- School of Public Health- Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens (FACTS) Consortium, Post-Doc | |
Natasha Pusch | Conceptualizing offending, victimization, and gender: Three studies on juveniles |
Kristy Holtfreter | Texas Tech University, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work, Asst. Professor | |
Analisa Gagnon | Kate Fox | University of South Dakota, College of Arts and Sciences, Visiting Asst. Professor | ||
Jessica Huff | Charles Katz | Arizona State University, Center for Violence Prevention & Community Safety, Senior Researcher | ||
Arynn Infante | Dustin Pardini and Xia Wang | Portland State University, Coll. of Public & Urban Affairs: Crim & Criminal Just., Asst. Professor | ||
David Tyler | Fairness Within: Sources and Consequences of Procedural Fairness in Police Agencies |
Edward Maguire | University of Arkansas Little Rock, School of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Asst. Professor |
Kara Hannula | Gary Sweeten | University of Washington, Department of Sociology, Lecturer | ||
Erica Redner-Vera | Examining the Treatment of American Indian Defendants in United States Federal Courts |
Xia Wang | University of Montana, Dept. of Sociology, Asst. Professor | |
Kyle Ernest | Kate Fox | Independent Evaluative Research Consultant | ||
Marcus Galeste | John Hepburn | State of California, Senior Researcher | ||
Jessica Herbert | Gary Sweeten | IDEA Analytics, Founder | ||
Katelyn Golladay | Understanding Victim-Offender Overlap Taxonomies: A Longitudinal Study |
Kristy Holtfreter | University of Wyoming, College of Arts & Sciences - Criminal Justice Program, Asst. Professor | |
Gabriel Cesar | Scott Decker | Florida Atlantic University, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor | ||
Chantal Fahmy | Scott Decker | The University of Texas at San Antonio, Criminal Justice Dept., Asst. Professor | ||
Travis Meyers | Kevin Wright | Temple University, College of Liberal Arts - Criminal Justice Dept., Asst. Professor | ||
Laura Beckman | Assessing Disparity in the Federal Court Processing of Immigration Cases |
Xia Wang | Shippensburg University, Criminal Justice Department, Asst. Professor |
Katherine Kempany | John Hepburn | Multnomah County, Dept. of Community Justice, , Senior Data Analyst |
D'Andre Walker | Michael Reisig | University of Iowa, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Dept. of Sociology, Visiting Asst. Professor | ||
Natalie Todak | Michael White | University of Alabama - Birmingham, Dept. of Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor | ||
Megan Parry | Danielle Wallace | University of Rhode Island, Criminology and Criminal Justice Program, Asst. Professor | ||
Kimberly Kaiser | Michael Reisig | The University of Mississippi, Dept. of Legal Studies, Asst. Professor |
Brooks Louton | Growing the Green Goddess: Commercial marijuana growers on the edge of legality |
Scott Decker | Strategic Planning Analysis & Research Center (SPARC), Tempe Police Dept., SPARC Supv. | |
Lisa Dario | Crime at Convenience Stores: Assessing an In-Depth Problem-Oriented Policing Initiative |
Michael White | Florida Atlantic University, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor | |
Richard Moule | Scott Decker | University of South Florida , Dept. of Criminology, Asst. Professor |
Eryn O'Neal | Cassia Spohn | Sam Houston State University, Dept. of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Asst. Professor | ||
John Shjarback | Michael White | The University of Texas at El Paso, Dept. of Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor | ||
Weston Morrow | Michael White | University of Nevada - Reno, Dept. of Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor | ||
Janne Gaub | Bad Lady Cops: Explaining Sex Differences in Police Officer Misconduct |
Kristy Holtfreter | East Carolina University, Dept. of Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor |
Byung Bae Kim | Gender Disparity and Ecological Contexts of Court Community in Federal District Courts |
Cassia Spohn | Ministry of Justice, South Korea, Bureau of Crime Prevention Policy, Policy Analyst |
Mario Cano | Cassia Spohn | Kansas State University, Dept. of Sociology, Asst. Professor | ||
Samuel Vickovic | Correctional Officer Job Stress: The Influence of Perceived Occupational Prestige |
Marie Griffin | California State Univ. Long Beach, Sch. of Crim., Criminal Justice & Emer. Mgmt., Asst. Professor | |
Clair White | Michael Shafer | University of Wyoming, College of Arts & Sciences - Criminal Justice Program, Asst. Professor | ||
Rodger Benefiel | Cassia Spohn | Bloomsburg University, Dept. of Sociology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor | ||
Jillian Turanovic | Michael Reisig | Florida State University, College of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor | ||
Andrea Borrego | Michael White | Metropolitan State University of Denver, Dept. of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Asst. Professor | ||
Natalie Ortiz | Scott Decker | National Assoc. of Counties, Data-Driven Justice (DDJ), Washington, DC, Program Manager |
Melinda Tasca | Nancy Rodriguez | Sam Houston State University, School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor | ||
Melanie Taylor | Scott Decker | University of Nevada, Reno, Dept of Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor | ||
Philip Mulvey | On the Brink: Experiences of Women with Mental Illness on Probation |
Scott Decker | Illinois State University, Dept. of Criminal Justice Sciences, Asst. Professor |
Mercedes Valadez | "We have got enough criminals in the United States without importing any": An Examination of the Influence of Citizenship Status, Legal Status, and National Origin among Latino Subgroups in Federal Sentencing Outcomes | Cassia Spohn | Sacramento State University, Div. of Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor |
Andrew Fox | Examining Gang Social Network Structure And Criminal Behavior |
Charles Katz | Fresno State University, Dept. of Criminology, Asst. Professor |
Matthew Larson | Romantic Dissolution and Offending During Emerging Adulthood |
Gary Sweeten | Wayne State University, College of Liberal Arts & Science, Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor | |
Jonathon Cooper | Michael White | Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Dept of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor | ||
Scott Wolfe | Michael Reisig | Michigan State University, School of Criminal Justice, Asst. Professor | ||
David Pyrooz | Scott Decker | Sam Houston State University, Dept. of Criminal Justice & Criminology, Asst. Professor |