black and white photo of hands clasped together in handcuffs


Developmental Etiology of Externalizing Problems


Arizona State University

Madeline Meier (


External Collaborators

Edward Mulvey, University of Pittsburgh
Pathways to Desistance (

Stephanie Stepp, University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Girls Study (

Fast Track Data Service Center, Duke University
Fast Track (

Social Development Research Group Data Center, University of Washington
Raising Healthy Children (

Hanno Petras, American Institutes for Research (

Jamie Hanson, University of Pittsburgh (

Nathan Dodds, University of Pittsburgh


Related Links

American Psychological Association (

American Society of Criminology (

Association for Psychological Science (

Institute for the Reduction of Youth Violence (

Society for Neuroscience (

Society for Research on Adolescence (

Society for Research in Child Development (

Society for the Scientific Study for Psychopathy (