Internship FAQs
Everything you need to know about internships.
Who is the internship advisor?
My name is Ashley Robinson. If you need any help with the internship process, please set up a meeting here.
What is an internship?
An internship is an approved and supervised work experience that is related to an academic field of study and meets specific learning goals. An internship is different from a regular job because you will have more flexibility to learn about a specific profession/career/industry.
Students may register for 3-12 hours of academic credit. Not all jobs will qualify for internship credit. The experience must be pre-professional in nature and be a learning experience. All academic internship experiences must be evaluated and approved through the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Internship Coordinator.
Is it mandatory to complete an internship to graduate with a CCJ degree?
NO. Completing an internship is not mandatory to graduate with an ASU CCJ degree.
When are internships available?
Internships are offered in the fall, spring and summer academic semesters.
What are the requirements for doing an internship?
Students must meet the following requirements to be eligible for an internship:
Undergraduates: Eligibility for enrollment into CRJ 484
- Minimum of 56 completed credit hours, or Junior status
- Minimum 2.75 GPA
- Completed three of the following courses:
- CRJ 100
- CRJ 302
- CRJ 303
- CRJ 304
- CRJ 305
- CRJ 306
- CRJ 309
Graduate Students: Eligibility for Enrollment into CRJ 584
- Enrollment in Graduate Program
- Completion of CRJ 50
How do I find an internship?
To start your search for an internship, check the internship listings on the CCJ Community Partner list Here. Select your top three agency choices, complete the online application and submit your application form and cover letter to your first agency choice.
Check out websites like USAJobs.gov, Indeed.com, Handshake
Where can I do an internship?
In order to earn credit for an internship, the agency must have a direct relationship to criminology and criminal justice. You can do internships at one of our current community partners, include Criminal Justice agencies convenient to the downtown campus. While the internships usually take place in Phoenix, some students complete internships out of state or in another country. Students are welcome to develop new internship options and submit them to the Internship Coordinator for approval.
Where can a student get help with a resume or cover letter?
Meet with Career Services to create resume, cover letter, and agency internship interests.
What makes an internship agency eligible for a student to intern with?
The agency has to be directly related to criminology and criminal justice.
When should a student complete the Experience Application in Handshake?
When the student is hired, they should complete the Experience application in Handshake.
What are the instructions to applying to earn credit for an internship?
Log into Handshake using your ASURite log in and password (If you do not have a Handshake account, create a profile.)
- Click on Career Center
- Click on Experiences
- Click on Submit an Experience
- Enter School of Criminology and Criminal Justice-Internship Request into Template
- Complete Experience application questions including student information, agency information, site supervisor contact information, and explain internship's directly relationship to Criminology and Criminal Justice
What happens after an Experience Application is Submitted?
- Our team will evaluate your application before sending it to your internship site supervisor for approval.
- Your application must receive three approvals: CRJ Internship Coordinator, Site Supervisor and Internship Advisor. The SPA must also be added to your profile.
- Once the three approvals and SPA are on your profile, you will receive an override to enroll in the internship course.
- You can track the status of your request under the “Experiences” tab in Handshake.
How long does it take to approve an Experience application in Handshake.
The time varies but on average 4-7 weeks.
What is a Student Placement Agreement?
The Student Placement Agreement (SPA) authorizes an internship with the Dean of the school of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Students cannot start an internship without a signed SPA on their profile. The SPA is sent out for signatures after the site supervisor places the second approval on the students Experience application in Handshake.
How are internships graded?
CRJ 484 operates on a Pass/Fail grading system. CRJ 584 operates on a Pass/Fail grading system. To pass, you must satisfactorily submit all required components on time and complete the required number of internship hours by the end-of-semester processing date.