Children in the Law (CITL) Laboratory - young girl reaching for a book on a bookshelf

Children in the Law (CITL) Laboratory

Overview of Research Projects

CITL Project 1

How Maltreatment is Investigated and Prosecuted

This project focused on assessing attorney practices in Maricopa County with children alleging sex crimes. It received funding from the National Institute of Justice.

Promoting Truthful and Accurate Disclosures

This project examines best practices for investigative interviews with children across laboratory, field, and juror research, focusing on novel techniques that can elicit truthful disclosures from children. It received a grant from the National Institute of Health.
CITL Project 2
CITL Project 3

Children's Developmental Competencies and Vulnerabilities

In this project, we examine how children’s credibility is challenged in subtle ways when they report abuse, while assessing the utility of such methods in the laboratory to best understand how children interpret and respond to questioning. This project received funding from the National Science Foundation.

Assessing Children’s Credibility in Courtroom Investigations of Alleged Child Sexual Abuse: Suggestibility, Plausibility and Consistency

In this project, we explored how attorneys assess child credibility through specifically targeting children’s suggestibility/honesty, plausibility, and consistency. The results elucidate a need to train attorneys on the implications of children’s inconsistencies, suggestibility, and plausible abuse dynamics.
CITL Project 4