Desert sunset with mountains and cacti

ASU Center for Correctional Solutions

Danielle Haverkate

Danielle Haverkate headshot

Danielle Haverkate is a doctoral student the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University. She received her Master of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice in 2017 and a Bachelors' of Science in Criminology/Criminal Justice and Psychology in 2014 from ASU. Her Master's thesis, titled "The Differential Effects of Prison Contact on Parent-Child Relationship Quality and Child Behavioral Changes," focused on how different types of prison contact impact family relationships and child misbehavior. She is also broadly interested in the impact of in-prison services and the reentry process on buffering discrimination and stigmatization in the community. Danielle has worked on projects in the Center, including the Reducing Recidivism in Arizona project. Her research interests focus on the collateral consequences of incarceration, developmental and life-course criminology, labeling theory, stigma, and restorative justice, and public policy.