Public Safety Innovation (PSI) Lab - road with light and water

Public Safety Innovation (PSI) Lab

Cutting-Edge Public Safety Research


Research Projects


Reducing the Effects of PTSD Among Police Officers

    • The PSI Lab is testing the effectiveness of an intervention intended to reduce the effects of PTSD on police officers.

Navajo Police Pandemic Response project

    • The PSI Lab is conducting a study of how Covid-19 has influenced policing and public safety in the Navajo Nation.

Protest-Related Deaths in the United States

    • The PSI Lab is carrying out a study of protest-related deaths in the United States.

Vehicle-Ramming Incidents in the United States

    • The PSI Lab is carrying out a study of vehicle ramming incidents during protests in the United States.


Phoenix Police Crowd Response Assessment

    • At the request of the Phoenix Police Department (PPD), the PSI Lab conducted a review of the PPD’s capacity for policing crowd events. The final report, entitled Independent Review of the Phoenix Police Department’s Capacity for Policing Crowd Events, was submitted to the PPD on January 17, 2022.

Empathy in Public Statements

    • The PSI Lab reviewed statements issued by law enforcement authorities after the killing of unarmed black men to determine the extent to which these statements included themes associated with empathy and/or sympathy. See the published findings here: