Public Safety Innovation (PSI) Lab - road with light and water

Public Safety Innovation (PSI) Lab

Cutting-Edge Public Safety Research


Recent Articles


Maguire, E.R. (in press). “Protest Policing and the Reality of Freedom: Evidence from Hong Kong, Portland, and Santiago (2019-2020).” International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice.

Maguire, E. R., & Giles, H. (2022). "Public Expressions of Empathy and Sympathy by U.S. Criminal Justice Officials After Controversial Police Killings of African-Americans." Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 41(1), 49–75.

Maguire, E.R. (2020). “The Effect of Race on Suspect Injuries during Encounters with Police.” Injury Prevention. Advance online publication:

Maguire, E.R. (2020). “Policing, State Repression, and the Pro-Democracy Movement in Hong Kong.” Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. Advance online publication:

Barak, M., K.S. Leon, T. Hay, and E.R. Maguire (2020). “Empirical and Conceptual Obstacles in Defining MS-13: Law-Enforcement Perspectives from a Federally-Funded Study.” Forthcoming in Criminology and Public Policy.

Shjarback, J. and E.R. Maguire (2019). “Extending Research on the ‘War on Cops’: The Effects of Ferguson on Non-Fatal Assaults against U.S. Police Officers.” Crime & Delinquency. Advance online publication: